

This tutorial is a step-by-step explanation of how to deposit & withdraw your funds using the web version:

1- Connect your wallet.

Choose your wallet provider, such as MetaMask, and select the correct blockchain network for your deposit.

2- Create a shielded account (if you don't already have one).

Generate a shielded account using a 12-key seed phrase and download the JSON file. Keep it safe, as you will need it later for withdrawal.

3- Connect your shielded account.

Refresh the page and connect your shielded account by uploading the JSON file, then enter your password.

4- Make a deposit.

Select the pool size, which is the exact amount you will be transferring. Ensure your wallet balance is at least equal to the chosen pool size. Since everyone transfers the exact same amount into the pool, it becomes impossible to identify individual withdrawals based on the token amounts.

5- Connect another wallet address.

Choose your wallet provider, such as MetaMask, and select the correct blockchain network for your withdrawal.

6- Reconnect your shielded account.

Upload the JSON file of the shielded account used for the deposit, then enter your password.

7- Proceed with the withdrawal.

To ensure the deposit and withdrawal wallets are not linked, sign a transaction with a different wallet than the one used for the deposit.

Tip: To further obscure your privacy, consider withdrawing your funds at a different time or day from your deposit. It is best to do this after there has been some activity in the pool from other users. You can check the 'Recent Withdrawals' activity tab for this information.

Last updated