Decentralized Anonymous Transactions
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Decentralized Anonymous Transactions
Last updated
Our team has carefully considered all available information regarding the US sanctions that were imposed on Tornado Cash and the negative impact it had & continues to have on their developers, application users, token holders, and investors. We’ve also considered the fact that scammers were using Torn for purposes unintended in its creation to render stolen funds untraceable. Criminals were able to steal from their victims with impunity, leaving law enforcement ineffective in their efforts to track down stolen funds so as to enforce justice.
In order for crypto to become a more viable & preferable alternative to fiat currencies, we must create tools that allow the general public to transact more safely & effectively than traditional monetary systems allow for. As developers, it is imperative that we take any necessary precautions that help reduce the risks of technology we create from falling into the hands of nefarious third parties who misuse the technology for illegal purposes. After witnessing the events that unfolded in regard to Tornado Cash, Messier officially decided to replace the existing Black Hole & Horizon applications and to rerelease Horizon with entirely new code that is more intelligently designed than its predecessor.